Kyle Vallans

The Day Trump Got Shot

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The day Trump got shot, holy shit!


I feel compelled to write about this because it's incredibly relevant being that it happened just a few hours ago! Quite frankly, I had it all wrong from the start, and I want to remember this day and the assumptions I held.

The only other assassination attempt on a president or former president during my lifetime was in 2005, when a grenade was thrown at George W. Bush during a speech in Tbilisi, Georgia. Fortunately, it failed to detonate. I was 9 years old at the time, so as you can imagine, I don't remember it very well.

Anyway, this attack still hasn't sunk in!

I'm visiting my parents, and my dad tells me that Trump has been attacked! I rush to the TV, sit down next to him, but there's no sound since ABC decided to mute the video. Trump is lying on the floor and the replay makes it look like nothing significant happened, and my dad and I both assume it was incredibly insignificant, even mentioning that maybe it was a f*cking spitball (hadn't seen the blood at this point). Again, ABC had muted the news which really didn't help!

Keep in mind, my dad hates Trump! So much so that he may lean towards the current president in the upcoming election, despite Biden clearly dealing with severe dementia (evident from the debate a couple weeks back).

Anyway, after a few comments from my dad, I head back to the room to finish reading Tribes by Seth Godin.

Suddenly, my phone starts blowing up! After reading two group texts, I check Twitter and hear the video for the first time. It sounds like eight gunshots were fired, but it seems like nobody was hurt except for Trump, who has a bloody ear.

I rush back to show my dad, and we’re still convinced it’s a BB gun due to our thoughts below:

"Why is nobody running away" - that's odd

"Why didn't it blow off part of his ear, just blood" - must be a bb gun

"If I was in that crowd, I would have ran away"

"How did 8 shots go off and nobody else was hit"

"Is this Twitter version another fake AI generated video like that bomb attack in front of the White house in May of 2023"

"This is bullshit, this was clearly someone firing a BB gun or Airsoft gun and I bet Trump set that sh*t up himself! Great propaganda!"

Well, 20-30 minutes go by and I've done my job of convincing all but one friend within my group text that it wasn't a "real gun" while still keeping peace by saying, "don't worry, I still plan on voting for Trump". - I'm actually not sure what my plan is...

Minutes later, I get an update that two people are dead: the gunman himself and an innocent bystander.

I am in disbelief, and to be honest, it truly hasn't sunk in.

What a messed up world we live in!

That's it for now, I am deeply saddened.

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