Kyle Vallans

Score Big Savings: Your Wallet’s Best Friend

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Whenever possible, buy used! - it's almost ALWAYS possible!

Here's why:

This came to my mind after a couple of my friends gave me shit for buying my River Tube used off some questionable character on OfferUp (my tube ended up popping and I had a near death experience, but that's besides the point... I hit a thorn bush) On Amazon, it went for 80 and I thought that was outrageous for a damn tube. I went on Offerup and typed in River Tubes and saw a brand new one being sold for 20! I hit up the guy, went to pick it up, and it was, in fact, brand new! Maybe the guy needed some money and I just made his day? Who knows, but I got the damn tube for $60 less!

You see, I saved 75% on the item! These are damn good returns and when you choose to buy used which is often new (it was in this case), these are the type of deals that you often score... Keep in mind just how difficult these sort of returns with simple investment strats truly are. - money saved is money made!

Don't buy that new car, find something slightly used and have it checked out! Your wallet will thank you! Can you buy your clothing second-hand? Well, of course you can. In fact, my most "commented on" shirt is this one I bought from a goodwill for literally 4 bucks! I wore it in Yosemite (though, it's better fit for Hawaii) and I had endless positive comments about it.


I mean, just look how happy I am rocking that $4 Hawaiian shirt that I would have NEVER bought in a million years if I had to pay full price! To me, buying used is a no-brainer! Be intelligent with your money, have fun shopping second-hand, and your life will greatly improve!

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