Kyle Vallans

Consistency Over Perfection: Why A Framework Matters

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You NEED a Framework and there is no way around it!

Without one, you will remain stagnant at best!

You see, I finally figured out my health and fitness after many years. Over the years, I have jumped from one fad to the next, trying keto, intermittent fasting, low fat, high fat, you name it!

Additionally, I have found myself committing to a workout program for a few weeks only to switch it up on myself and try something else that seemed more exciting in the moment. Because of this constant change, very little progress was being made. In fact, I was simply maintaining at best!

Finally, I made a change to my way of thinking!

I now buy into the idea of "good being great," and I actively avoid other inputs that may influence me otherwise. - deleted instagram

Now, I am intermittent fasting until 12 and focusing mostly on fruit and lean meat but really, anything goes. I avoid processed foods 80% of the time (excluding Yosemite, yikes) and I am just eating until I am full. At 8 pm, I cut it off. This seems to be working and it is rather effortless.

Additionally, I am getting in my daily yard work as Gary Halbert from The Boron Letters likes to call it! For me, this is running/walking to and from the gym. On top of that, I am also often walking my dog, playing pickleball, swimming, or just finding activities that keep me moving that are also enjoyable.

In regards to lifting, I am keeping it simple and enjoying every bit of it. My goal has been to put on a ton of muscle and to get my compound lifts up, so that is exactly what I am doing. My workout program only has 5 lifts: bench press, squats, shoulder press, weighted pull-ups, and the weighted ab machine. Instead of going with the lower weight and higher rep route, which I have essentially done for the last 15+ years and saw zero progress, I am starting heavier and just doing 2 sets. I am also rotating which lift I choose to do first each day, as that is the lift with the most intensity. This simple weight lifting protocol is showing great progress in my numbers and my appearance.

But the question is, is this the perfect workout routine and "diet"?

The answer is, of course not. You are probably reading this and dying to provide me with your input, but guess what, I don't want it! I want to continue to stay the course and not change it up. Because of this, I deleted most of social media, where I typically find myself going down rabbit holes and getting influenced to change up my fitness and "diet" only to be disappointed due to the constant change. News flash, they all work!

Okay, so how does this relate back to trading?

Well, let's use my overnight momentum trading system as an example. As you probably know, no system works in all market environments, and this is no exception. Over time, I realized through "running the numbers" that I tend to lose money when 2/3 indices are within 1% of the 9-day moving average on the daily. Ranges are contracting, and we get a lot of false readings. Because of this, I only deploy my overnight momentum trading system when 2/3 indices are either trending up or trending down. I avoid the majority of the false positives and a lot of the "slop" that many others participate in.

But the question remains the same - is this fully optimized, and is this the best system?

Of course not! But it's good enough, and it allows me to avoid much of the chop. Good enough becomes great due to consistency and being able to spot the nuances that matter through time in the seat!

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